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This Canadian cancer charity tells the public it spends most of its donations on charitable works. Financial records tell a different story



This Canadian cancer charity tells the public it spends most of its donations on charitable works. Financial records tell a different story

Breast Cancer Canada is a rising star among Canadian charities.

In just two years, its annual revenues skyrocketed from $1.2 million in 2019/2020 to $18.8 million in 2021/2022.

A ‘blind spot’ for donors

Internal documents suggest high commissions

Donations to cancer charity start to soar

New auditor, new way to describe $14M spent on fundraising

Former fundraisers feel guilt over pitches

Entry-level associate to make 30-per-cent commission

Deceptive claims allegedly made on whiteboards

Spotlight was on BCC before

Alleged claims about cancer detection method trouble ex-fundraisers

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