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Tensions flare at Toronto’s India Day parade as Khalistanis disrupt celebrations



Tensions flare at Toronto’s India Day parade as Khalistanis disrupt celebrations

India’s Independence Day celebrations in Canada were marred by disruptive behaviour from Khalistani supporters. The incident included ripping down the Indian national flag.

According to reports, a group of Khalistani protesters were seen ripping the Indian national flag and yelling “Go back to India” amid the festivities. The incident has sparked outrage and concerns over the growing tensions between the Khalistani movement and the Indian diaspora in Canada.

The India Day parade is an annual event that celebrates India’s Independence Day and showcases the vibrant Indian culture and heritage within the Toronto community. However, this year’s celebrations were overshadowed by the aggressive actions of the Khalistani protesters, who sought to disrupt the peaceful festivities.

The video footage of the incident has been widely shared on social media, drawing strong reactions from both the Indian government and the Indian diaspora in Canada.

Many have expressed their disappointment and concerns over the blatant disrespect shown towards the Indian flag and the disruption of a cultural celebration.

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The situation highlights the ongoing tensions between the Khalistani movement and the Indian government, as well as the challenges faced by the Indian community in maintaining their cultural identity and celebrations in the face of such confrontational behaviour.

Authorities in Toronto have vowed to investigate the incident and take appropriate actions to ensure the safety and security of future India Day celebrations. The event has also reignited discussions about the broader issues surrounding the Khalistani movement and its impact on the Indian diaspora abroad.

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