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Highway 407 to offer free trips for low-income drivers in Ontario | insauga



Highway 407 to offer free trips for low-income drivers in Ontario | insauga

Highway 407 ETR will offer free travel for low-income drivers.

Eligible drivers could get up to six free trips a month through the Route Relief Program, Highway 407 ETR announced in a press release on Nov. 4.

Highway 407 ETR is an all-electronic open-access toll highway that spans 108 kilometres from Burlington in the west to Pickering in the east.

To qualify for the Route Relief Program, drivers must meet the definition of low-income as defined by Statistics Canada. Low-income was $28,863 a year for an individual, according to the latest Statistics Canada numbers. The number increases with family size.

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The new program aims to support families who need assistance.

“We hope this program will make it easier for our customers to enjoy a stress-free journey to get to a game or to a doctor’s appointment without worrying about their bill,”  said Javier Tamargo, president and CEO, 407 ETR.

The Route Relief Program has been added to the roster of financial assistance programs 407 ETR offers to customers.

While the other programs are short-term financial assistance for customers who are struggling to pay their bills, the Route Relief Program is the first to offer free trips on a monthly basis for an extended period of time.

“We thank 407 ETR for increasing access to their highway by helping the families who need it most,” said Kirk Brooks, founder of the Seaside Hockey Program, which makes hockey more accessible to youth across the GTA.

“I’ve witnessed firsthand the challenges many families face in finding the time to take their kids to games after work. 407 ETR’s new Route Relief Program is a great step in ensuring that access to safe and reliable transportation is not hindered by financial constraints.”

In addition to earning a low-income, drivers must be an Ontario resident, have a personal licence plate registered in your name that is not used for business (one eligible vehicle per household), and have no outstanding balance with 407 ETR.

Applicants will be asked to submit supporting documents including proof of residency, proof of plate ownership and proof of income. Once accepted, participants will be enrolled in the Route Relief Program for a one-year term with the option to renew upon meeting the eligibility requirements.

Learn more and apply for the Route Relief Program online at

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