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‘Duck man!’ ‘Duck man!’ A look inside the world of unsanctioned art in self-serious Toronto



‘Duck man!’ ‘Duck man!’ A look inside the world of unsanctioned art in self-serious Toronto

At the corner of Bathurst and College streets, a large mallard duck towers over me.

His bulbous body stands on two stick-thin orange legs. His long yellow beak points at my head, my recorder hovering between his mandibles. From the back of his throat, two human eyes look back at me, barely visible behind black mesh.

Lewis Mallard’s painted concrete barrier at the intersection of Bathurst Street and College Street.

When city ‘frustrations’ become art


The exterior of Bloordale Beach, set-up by Shari Kasman.

‘The sweetest thing’


The LEGO tower created by Martin Reis outside of Sam James coffee bar on Harbord Street. 

The power of googly eyes


Jode Roberts standing in front of an Earth sign.

The search for joy in Toronto


Lewis Mallard says he chose barriers to paint because he wanted something “playful to interact with — ignored parts of the city. Things that I saw as underutilized.” He got compliments from a TTC streetcar driver and a free coffee from a passerby as he worked.

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