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Cool TMU student jobs



Cool TMU student jobs

What skills or experience are you gaining that could help in your future career?

This job is closely aligned with my studies and future career goals. With a background in public health and my pursuit of a master of disaster and emergency management, this role offers invaluable experience in the health-care field. 

Working on CAR T-cell therapy research deepens my understanding of cutting-edge treatments and patient care, directly supporting my ambition to pursue a career in health care. The skills and insights I’ve gained are essential for my future career, particularly in integrating innovative medical practices with disaster and emergency management strategies. 

Furthermore, this experience will make me a highly committed medical school applicant and student, showcasing my dedication to advancing health-care and my ability to contribute meaningfully to research that positively impacts patient outcomes.”

Did your studies or experience at TMU help you land this position?

Yes, my studies and experiences at TMU were crucial in helping me excel in this position. Courses in research methods, biostatistics, data management, and risk assessment provided me with a solid foundation for analyzing and interpreting clinical data. Moreover, my role in TMU’s School of Medicine Student Advisory Council honed my communication and teamwork skills, allowing me to effectively engage with a diverse team of healthcare professionals which was key for collaborating successfully on the CAR T-cell therapy research project.”

What’s the most valuable aspect of this job/experience for you?

Impact.The most valuable aspect of this job for me is the tangible impact my work has on advancing cancer treatment. By contributing to research on CAR T-cell therapy, I am directly involved in a groundbreaking approach that has the potential to transform patient outcomes and offer new hope to those with blood cancers.

What has been the best day or moment in this job for you so far, and why?
The best moment in this job so far was when I saw the successful progress of our research project, especially when multiple people worked on the same file at times and the data began to come together. Seeing this was a big moment for me, as it highlighted the power of collaboration and how each person’s contribution was crucial to our success. It reinforced the impact of our work and gave me a strong sense of accomplishment and motivation.”

What do you love most about it overall?

What I love most about this role is the opportunity to contribute to oncology research, which aligns perfectly with my passion for the field. Working on CAR T-cell therapy and seeing how advanced treatments can transform patient outcomes is incredibly inspiring. While society often has a very hopeless perception when it comes to cancer diagnoses, being directly and closely involved in research allows me to witness the amazing progress being made in cancer research and the development of enhanced treatments and therapies.

Anything to add?

Through this role, I’ve observed that many patients face significant challenges in accessing advanced treatments due to their demographics and social determinants of health, such as financial constraints. This realization has further strengthened my commitment to advocating for health equity. Ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to access cutting-edge therapies, regardless of their background, is a crucial aspect of my future career goals and drives my passion for making a meaningful impact in the health-care field.”

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Check out three more cool summer job experiences in Part 2 of our series on Friday, Sept. 13.

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