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Cathrin Bradbury: At 69 I tried the e-bike and roamed around Toronto. For folks like me, is it the future?



Cathrin Bradbury: At 69 I tried the e-bike and roamed around Toronto. For folks like me, is it the future?

I didn’t get an e-bike so that I could sail past a 40-year-old man slogging up Poplar Plains Road on his non-e-bike (analog, acoustic, legacy, what to call the old bike?), smiling and waving as I did. Although as thrills go at 69, that’s right up at the top. 

 My e-bike wasn’t about teaching other Toronto e-bike riders road etiquette, either. I had the right of way on a roundabout as a fellow e-biker failed to signal whether he was turning left or right. “Remember your hand signals,” I said in my brightest NDP-teacher-lady voice. “Remember to f—k off, ma’am,” he replied as he skirted around me. 

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